This replaced our normal movie date:) My husband and I have a display table at this show.
It is a very unscaled show with a multitude of displays and items for sale. I wanted to take a picture of something somewhat unusual to post and I came up with this
This was one of many saddles to be auctioned. There is art, jewelery, guns, old books, Indian blankets, pottery, old slot machines, hats, bronzes and on and on and on and on............
My husband loves these for day is enough:)
I love those sales!
I think that's what is caled a Silver Sadlle.... I used to have one very similar.
darn it... I meant Saddle... I should always check my spelling before hitting the Publish button.
I would have loved to see all that STUFF! The silver saddle is beautiful! I think ex-shammickite must have been the queen of the rodeo! Tell us more ex.. please:)
Breast plate for a horse! -giggles-
Mmmm, yes, one day would be fun. But me too, I think one day would be enough. ,-)
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