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Friday, June 22, 2018

Cat's claw

I took this picture early one morning
and called it a sun peeking morning. See all that green on the bottom? That is called cat's claw and it grows like a weed but funny thing this huge weed was growing right up the middle...
 and they get these huge roots..
so pulling them is out of the question and you constantly have to cut them back but it wonderful to have something so lush green that endures our heat and stays green year round.

This is the other side of the wall:)

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Tues. night dinner

This was our last Tues. night dinner and I won't be sharing the recipe because it wasn't' that good and was a lot of work. It was called "Crab-stuffed shells with parmesan cream cheese sauce". The sauce was good and maybe if you used chunks of crab instead the canned it called for it may have been better but as is we could tell we were eating any crab just sauce.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tues. night dinner

I used recipes from Mari a fellow blogger for this nights dinner.

Sweet and Spicy Bacon Chicken
4 chicken breast cut in thirds (I used only two)
Bacon slices
garlic powder
Chili powder
brown sugar
Cut each breast into three pieces, season all the chicken with all the spices then wrap a bacon slice around each piece and roll in brown sugar and place into an oven proof dish. Add two or three tbl. olive oil to pan and bake a 400 degrees for 30 to 40 min. or until chicken is cooked through and bacon is nice and brown and crispy.

Redskin Mashed Potatoes
3 pounds small redskin potatoes
4 oz. cream cheese
4 tbs. butter
seasoned salt and pepper to taste

Wash and half the potatoes, boil until tender. Drain and place back into pan on stove. Turn stove on to low heat to steam off any remaining water. Add cream cheese and butter. turn heat off, and mash by hand with a potato masher, leaving skin on potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Served with homemade green beans. It was yummy.