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Tuesday, October 15, 2013


My computer went on the blink again but it really is my fault....I have not been running the clean program and the Mal ware program once a month like I am suppose to and have not been shutting the computer off a least once a week....Oh, when will I learn. Poor computer couldn't hardly run for all the junk that had attached itself. Well after a week without it,  I am back in the saddle and hopefully learned my lessons:)

On the home front I bought this bird feeder some time ago
for the yellow bellies I love...they didn't like it:( I paid a lot for it and was just bummed out that they didn't got for it) and then....I realized that the little metal pegs were slippery and that was the problem.
Well, that was easy enough to fix....
Hot glue to the rescue!
Now we are all happy....
they eat upside down.


Nancy said...

I never would have thought of the pegs being slippery. You are a clever woman!

Chatty Crone said...

I wouldn't have thought of that either.

And about the computer - I am more like you - if it is not broken don't fix it - but I guess we really do.

Granny Annie said...

My laptop went on the fritz and I finally had to restore it to the default settings. I managed to save all my documents and pictures first.

Love you clever idea for the feeder!

Tracy Batchelder said...

Nice fix! Silly birds--eating upside down.

Lap Dog Knits said...

I love these little birds...I have them here in my area too...but a neighbors cats....she's had up to 30 wild cats she feeds in her yard...most have now been removed but a few still risk my little yellow birdie computer??? a mess and I'm too much of a dope to figure most of it out..

Dana said...

Aw, what beautiful birds! I should put out a feeder, too. The kids would love it!

Thanks so much for checking up on me while I was away. That really meant a lot. I'm back now and can't wait to catch up. I've missed you!