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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Did you know?


Lady Liberty came to America in 350 pieces. To help pay for the statue's construction and assembly, the chunks, including her head and her torch, were put on display at venues like the World's Fair in Paris and the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.


Debbie said...

i am kinda' excited, i knew this!! BUT, i have never seen a picture, that i remember, and that is fascinating!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my that took a lot of work! I can only imagine how it all came together!

Mari said...

I have heard that but never saw a picture of it not assembled.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Interesting bit of trivia I did not know about.
Love that display of the head/torch chunk.

Linda said...

I knew it arrived in pieces but I did not know it went on tour in pieces to raise money! Very clever....