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Monday, January 20, 2020

Better late than never

My Christmas cactus bloom...


Tired Teacher said...

Beautiful - such a delicate color.

Michelle said...

My mom's is finally blooming, as well!

BeachGypsy said...

Oh what a GORGEOUS FLOWER! I love those, and haven't had one of those in ages. My Ma-Maws and Mommy had them back in the "old days". Glad you stopped in and thanks for all the sweet comments especially the one about liking the "random pictures and not knowing what might pop up next", LOL, those are some of my favorite posts to make for sure, ha ha LOL. Happy new week!

Mari said...

So pretty!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my what a beautiful Christmas Catus. I always enjoy seeing them.

Debbie said...

that is such a beautiful color!! now is a great time for it to bloom, when all of our other christmas colors are packed away!!

Susan Kane said...

Mine is blossoming as well! I was getting discouraged.

Sandi said...

It is beautiful!