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Sunday, September 28, 2014

There she blows....

We had another storm come through Sat. afternoon. We were not home but came home to one of our trees down. Not a pretty sight.....

22 years ago we ran out in a storm and held on to it to keep it from getting blown over but we wouldn't have had a chance with this now 25 foot grown tree.
Even if it were possible to prop it up it would do not good as it snapped right at the ground.
Now the trick is to fine someone to remove it.
Is so eerie to see it like this....
We drove around the neighborhood and saw a few much worse than ours. One had a huge tree fall across their drive way and land on two of their cars, one an antique and another had a huge tree fall into the front of the house and block the entrance and land on the roof. I sure don't know what kind of wind this was but it must have been a doozy. Poor dog and bird weathered it alone.


Michelle said...

I do hope you find someone to remedy the problem. Glad you didn't have more damage than this.

Linda said...

That is a traumatic thing to have happen. I can tell y'all loved that tree! Your tree bench reminds me of one Louis Dean and I bought when we were first married. We bought it for our big pecan tree in the front yard.....but the tree was much too big! ALL our trees were. We still used it for years until it wore out. I'm sure people wondered about it!
Glad ya'll weren't home and not hurt.Same for your critter.....they were there but weathered through it - so to speak!

Nancy said...

Wow, that's amazing! I've never seen a tree break at the ground level before. I'm glad no one was hurt. With so many others down it shouldn't be too hard to find someone to help with the cleanup.

Granny Annie said...

Get rid of the tree by placing an ad: "Free firewood". It works around here. Flocks of people show up with chain saws. Maybe not so much in your area.

Tracy Batchelder said...

So sorry. You're going to miss a big tree like that.

Lady Di Tn said...

At least it did not blow onto your home nor were the animals effective by it falling. Probably what is call "Straight line winds" if there was not a storm. Peace

Far Side of Fifty said...

All the good shade will be missed! It was a great looking tree, around here everyone has a chain saw...and for free wood they come out of the woodwork:)