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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Every year I seem to have less enthusiasm about decorating for Christmas. This is the deal...I like to look at it but I don't like putting it up or taking it down....... How is that for a dilemma.

I think part of the problem is that I have too many Christmas decorations

and having to choose what to put up and what not to put up is part of my problem. I am thinking that maybe if  I downsized my Christmas decorations and had a set pattern for decorating every year it would be more of a routine rather than a dilemma?  Maybe it would become my traditional Christmas?

So tell you put the same decorations up every year or do you vary it each year?



Nancy said...

I'm like you: I like to see the decorations, but I hate to put it up and then take it down. Some years, I get it all out, and others (like this year), I don't. Whittling the collection down is hard because there are so many memories attached to them. I really need to DO something, though.

My Shasta Home said...

Me too! Over the years I have collected so much and I used to put it all up - took me a weekend. Now, I just don't want to do it. Like you I also don't like having to take it all down (after it took me so long to do it in the first place) I still haven't put up my tree or any decorations. I'm bad this year!

Linda said...

I am such an addict! Or call me obsessive/compulsive to a nth degree!! I have way too many and I cannot bear not to put up! I use it ALL!!! It takes a solid week but if I lived alone and did no entertaining I would STILL do this! Nuts! I know! This year we are living in our RV (31 foot camper!) and I have it loaded! I only brought 6 tubs of decorations but I managed to use every bit of it!!

One of my sisters is like you. She has down sized until she just decorates one thing in her house - takes 15 minutes! We are all so different! That just makes us all so INTERESTING!!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I have the same decorations, but I have so many - I put different ones up every year! lol Same tree though.

Tracy Batchelder said...

Every year is a little different. If no one is coming to our house for Christmas, we might not even put up a tree. This year the kids will be here, so I made more of an effort. It's still minimal by most standards, I think.

Lady Di Tn said...

lol that first paragraph is the whole ball of wax for those of us who have done it for YEARS.Every year at the thrift shop after Christmas we would get BOXES of decorations as folks would take them down, box them up and bring them to us. We were grateful for the donated items but as we had very little storage space, it created a problem for us. So if you do decide to donate them, please hold on to them until the fall of the year to help whoever you might donate them to save space.
I have sooooo much I just pick and choose what to use. I do decorated some ways the same but change up the "sit abouts" to make it look a little different.
Puppy got the tree for me yesterday. Put it in the same place. I guess I am just a creature of habit. Peace

Far Side of Fifty said...

I put up a few different things each year..but I have my favorites..but yes I could get rid of some:)

Mary said...

Well this year I've done VERY little in the way of decorating because we won't be here for Christmas! Now have mixed feelings - looking at all those boxes of pretty stuff in the attic brings guilt pangs - they should be out and enjoying their annual display! Like you, far too many though and the actual thoughts of not having to put them away - the worst part - for once in my life, is quite wonderful!

Enjoy your holidays - today we're off home to England where I plan to enjoy the decorating efforts of family and friends, and pubs with roaring fires, hearty country people and their sleeping dogs!!

Happy Christmas - and next year I will decorate!