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Thursday, October 29, 2009


I often go to Savers (second hand store) to purchase things for my charity packages and if you might remember I bought the little quilt and then couldn't give it away..................

Look what I found this time

This is a crib size cross stitched blanket and only God knows how many hours it took to make.

Here is a close up of just one of the larger hearts
I guess if you have never hand made something you wouldn't have any idea of the hours and hours that goes into it but I just can't imagine anyone discarding this treasure. It does have a Happy ending


Nancy said...

Bless you for saving this little blanket. I guess this is why I do so much charity knitting. I could not bear the thought of a family member discarding my work. At least I don't see it if I give to a stranger.

Michelle said...

I have a blanket, that is similar to this one. My Mom-in-Law made it when my son was born. I have it tucked away and could not ever give it away. Glad you saved this one.

Granny J said...

That is an absolutely charming little blanket. A wonderful find. And, yes, I've done needlework & know how much work goes into such projects...

Chatty Crone said...

Somebody made that for someone with a lot of love -

JeanMac said...

What a treasure.

Lady Di Tn said...

The love and time that went into this blanket was not appreciated by the person who recieved it. I have bought items such as this at Thrift stores and wonder how anyone could part with them. The last thing I bought because I could not bare to see it there was an American flag that looked like it had seen many days in a display box. I wondered who that flag belonged to and who would given it away. It is now safe with me. Peace

Granny Annie said...

It is difficult to believe the handwork that people discard. I remember my grandmother working hours to turn out beautiful crochet or needlepoint. There would never be enough money to put a price on it.