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Monday, February 2, 2009

Blog titles

We all have struggled to come up with a blog title that seems to fit what we are about...there are a few that I happen to think are really cleaver:

1. The 3 R's...Reading-Ranting and Recipes

2. Button Willow Cottage

3. Ex Marks the Spot (read 1/29 post)

I chose "Changes in the Wind" as my title because of a saying that I am inspired by:

Healthy things grow.
Growing things change.
Change challenges us.
Challenge causes us to trust God.
Trust leads to obedience.
Obedience makes us healthy.
Healthy things grow.............

So what inspired your blogs title?


Granny Annie said...

Wow, you gave a lot of thought to your title selection. I'm afraid my blog title is pretty self explanatory --FOOLS RUSH IN:)

Chatty Crone said...

I picked mine because I'm of a crone's age and I like what crone means. It doesn't have to be an old cracked and dry woman, but it can be a wise woman who helps and gives advice to others. The Chatty part - I talk a lot - about everything.

Mevely317 said...


...Ya know, I'd wondered on more than one occasion what was the inspiration for your title. Now I know!

Me? "Respice, Prospice" were (are) words engraved on either side of an old pocket watch belonging to a relative. I was immediately intrigued and had to look it up; just really liked the meanings.

This is a great post!

BTW, I left you a "little something" out on my blog today.

Enjoy your day!


Linda G. said...

Ah we know. I have always liked your makes me think of someone free to do what they change directions if that seems best...someone free of heart ...
Mine was a cutsie play on Winnie ther Pooh's hundred acre wood...
I have a new blog called Prescott Past, but I'm just getting started with it....

Shammickite said...

My blog title is related to my family name... which I use on my email, but I use my married name most other places... just to be confusing!

bigbikerbob said...

Hi, Both my user name (bigbikerbob) and my blog title (The life and times of this old git)are both exactly Me, what better description can you have?.

JeanMac said...

Early in our journey with AD, I felt as if we were walking thru a vale, then it became a mountain, a mountain too high. Good post subject. I love the inspiration for Changes.

Callie Brady said...

Interesting... I just posted about this earlier. When I was creating my blog, my daughter called out, "the chickens are on the deck!" So, I naturally typed in...

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Rangs Guide Book said...
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srav7n said...

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