If you have been following my blog you will already know that I competed in a gun spot called "
World Fast Draw" for many many years (35 to be exact).
This is me and hubby at my very first contest in 1970. Funny thing we had been trying to get pregnant with no success and then I started shooting and......you guessed it I was pregnant here but didn't know it yet:) I continued to shoot until the holster wouldn't fit me anymore.
Well, maybe you don't really know much about fast draw but basically you shoot a single action hand gun (have to cock the hammer to make it shoot every time. I shot a Ruger 357 that was bored out to a 45. Most of my competition was "index shooting" where you wait for the light to come on then draw and fire and hopefully hit your target. Your time is recorded on a digital timer in 100's of a second. If you miss you receive 100 on your score. The person at the end of the contest with the lowest score wins. There are other types of competition like elimination, Cowboy Fast Draw and etc.
A popular but very hard event was called "Double balloons" Where when the light comes on you draw and hit the first target then pivot and shoot the second target....
Here is am in action and I haven't turned to the second balloon yet. This was taken in Tombstone, AZ.
Well on with the trophy's......
Sometimes the trophy was just a ribbon....
Me third from the left....
but most of the time it was a real trophy.....
If you notice the picture......that is hubby with the smoke of the black powder....made for a cool picture.
These are just a few in the gun room and if you look close you will see that some have a man on top and some have a woman.....
Of course the woman ones are mine.
We have big trophy's little trophy's and even a mining pan as a trophy....

This was from Deadwood, S. D.

Plaques were popular too but you will never guess what my favorite was..........................................

This specially made disk with it's own stand and it is engraved on both sides.....here is the back
Thank you Oklahoma for the memories.
This was one of the later contest that I won.....

in 2003 and I got flowers too!
I packed up my gun in 2005 but just in case no one believes I did it......I have the trophy's to prove it no matter how dusty they are.