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Monday, July 29, 2019

Did you know?

Leviticus gives us the word  "scapegoat" which means a person who takes the blame for someone else. On Israel's annual day of repentance, known in Hebrew as Yom Kippur, the high priest lays his hands on a goat to symbolize the nations's sins being transferred to the sacrificial animal. The animal is then driven into the desert to die. Its departure represents the nation's sins leaving as well.

Many times we hear words being used only to be surprised at their origin.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good inför as always,Nice to learn something new.

Susan Kane said...

Well explained.

Linda said...

True! So many sayings are actually from Scripture. Apple of his I can't even think of the others....

Michelle said...

I agree with Susan's comment, well explained!

Brig said...

Thanks for the explanation.

Debbie said...

hmmmm, now that's sad!! growing up, i was a scapegoat for my sister, she was the wild one, me, not so much!!!