Recently on Fools Rush In, Granny Annie posed the question of whether you should leave a tip for a take out order. The responses were very interesting and I left one as well explaining that we are friends with a few of the bar tenders at Red
Lobster and that was why I saw things in a little different light.

Last night was our night to go to Red Lobster so I told one of our friends about the blog and the question posed ........ he quickly answered..."Yes, I pay taxes on it!"......... I said "What?"
Well here is the deal. At this particular restaurant it is set up so that each server is recorded on the amount of money the consumer purchased and then they are taxed 15% on that amount and that includes to go orders. So when the bar tender takes the order and checks them out he is recorded with that amount of purchase and charged 15% tax to the government whether he receives a tip or not. Hubby and I usually share a meal not because we are trying to save money but rather to not over eat but we always leave a generous tip. Because we eat out so often I see servers in a different light because I have gotten to know them. It is a tough job and you wouldn't believe the things they have to put up with....good customers are appreciated and remembered.
Here is a little tidbit....Red Lobster and Olive garden are owned by the same people (have friends here too).....hmmmmm
Recently we went to a new restaurant and the little server spoke very broken English.....I think she was Chinese, well anyhow, she took very good care of us so hubby gave her a hearty tip but he watched as she put all of it in a jar. She came back and made a great effort to speak with us (I think to show her appreciation) but hubby said if we go back...he will palm her a tip like you have to do in Mexico. Trust me on this folks...the servers are the good guys, be nice.