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Sunday, March 9, 2008


Well, I guess it is time for everyone to change their clocks...everyone except us in Arizona and those in Hawaii. MSN featured a nice article about the Daylight Savings Time, how it got started and what it is suppose to accomplish and etc. I am so grateful I don't have to go around and change all the clocks in my house and lose time on top of it:)


Lady Di Tn said...

Ah you lucky dog. I hate it. I wish they would either make it permenant or just leave it alone. I grew up on Central time and if you read anything about body clocks and health, you know that changing times is really unhealthy. Saving Energy my a--, it takes all my energy to get with a new to rise, to eat and sleep. We the people should get a vote on this issue on the same ballot we choose the next Pres. I am getting off my soap box now. Peace

smilnsigh said...

Count your blessings! Be so happy that you don't follow this silliness. Heavens, it's been proven that it doesn't save energy. -sigh-

JeanMac said...

Every time change, my sister phones and reminds me to change our clocks - every time I forget:)Lucky you.

Granny Annie said...

We changed all our clocks yesterday morning. About ten minutes later we had a power failure and so I got to change them all again. I don't mind Fall back as much as I do Spring forward.