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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cat's Claw

This is cat's claw blooming on my back fence and
on the little half wall on the driveway.
This plant is very aggressive and has a 3 pronged claw that enable it to climb most anywhere. These blooms turn into 12-18 inch pods that are not so attractive.
Cats Claw is a vine commonly known as Una de Gato and is used traditionally in Peruvian medicine for the treatment of a wide range of health problems, particularly digestive complaints and arthritis and to treat wounds, stomach problems, cancer, and more but not used here in the U.S. that I know of.


Tired Teacher said...

An interesting and beautiful plant - I've never heard of it, so it must not grow in this area.

Michelle said...

Looks quite beautiful to me!

Lady Di Tn said...

A wall of Medicine. I must look it up so I can see the yellow flower closer. I am really not fond of Invasive plants especially those which were brought to TN. Case in point Kudzu and thistles. Peace