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Thursday, July 29, 2021

A rarity

 Hubby and I have lived in our house nearly 30 years so it is safe to say most everything in my house is old and I don't buy things very often so when the bathroom scale AND the can opener took a dive I had to go shopping...

    I did not enjoy the shopping experience (walmart where it is nearly impossible to find things) but have enjoyed the novelty of having something new. I must be on a role as I also ran across a set of sheets that I love and ordered them for our bedrooom. 


Linda said...

Sometimes it’s good to get a few new things! Nothing lasts forever! But I’m still shocked when I notice that I have absolutely worn something completely out!

Mari said...

At least you were successful in your shopping venture!

Debbie said...

a scale?? something i don't need as i never weigh myself, it's too depressing!! i hate to shop, when i need things like this, i buy on line. i know it is better to shop local, but i don't always have the luxury to do that!!

Granny Annie said...

When I grieve the loss of an old appliance my kids tell me, "Just buy another one. They are very cheap." Oh dear, what have we come to?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love going shopping and finding something new I can use. It's a treat !