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Monday, November 2, 2020

A strange finding


These beautiful stained glass windows were found behind a brink wall when the people went to do some work on their house. They saved them and displayed them where all could see. What a find! Reminds me of Frank Lloyd Wright. 


Sandi said...

That is really a treasure! I wonder why they were covered up.

Terra said...

I would love to find a treasure like these windows when renovating. They remind me of Frank Lloyd Wright too. Did you read the wonderful novel about his time in Wisconsin, his first wife, and the tragedy that ensued? Was it titled Finding Frank?

Susan Kane said...

How beautiful. Frank Lloyd Wright was a man with a vision, that has been revered even now.

Mari said...

Wow! They are so pretty. Why would someone hide them?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Wow what a find ! To think someone hid them is sad. What treasures they are!

Debbie said...

a really nice find and a pretty nice conversation piece as well!! i wonder how many interesting things are found in old homes, many hidden treasures i assume!!!

Granny Annie said...

I must share this photo with my sister-in-law. She works in Stained glass and will love this so much. Thanks for sharing.

Brig said...

They do remind one of Frank Lloyd Wright.
There is a golf club house tucked away in the Sierras that has stained glass of FLW's that is very similar.
Hope they were able to find more history on the house and the windows.