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Monday, August 31, 2020

Had a little micro burst in our back yard a few nights ago during a rainstorm....


Susan Kane said...

What kind of tree? Glad it did not head over your house.

Mari said...

Wow - looks like it was a little wild!

Debbie said...

oh boy, a wild burst of wind...looks like what we see here!!

BeachGypsy said...

WELL that hit hard??!! Do y'all get bad storms there alot? we do get summer thunderstorms here pretty much daily. Oh, and your last comment on my post........well that JUST MADE MY DAY........THANK YOU!! something about you appreciate the variety, never know from one day to the next if you're going to see a pretty rainbow or an air conditioner hanging in a WINDOW.....that just cracked me up!! thank you!! I do try to show the variety for sure.