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Monday, April 25, 2011

Forever relationship

No matter how you choose to celebrate Easter the point of the celebration is the forever relationship with God provided to us through Jesus Christ, God's son. It is beyond our comprehension and even a glimpse of a worldly example like  this couple leaving hand in hand from Easter brunch is a special blessing.


Bev said...

Love it!!!

fishducky said...

Not to belittle the beauty of Easter, I'm reminded of a card I recently sent to friends on their 50th anniversary. There was a picture similar to yours on the front with the statement, "Still holding hands after all these years." Inside it asked, "Is it love or are you holding each other up?"

Chatty Crone said...

That was so so sweet - hope you had a blessed Easter.

Tim said...

How true your thoughts!

Michelle said...


Lady Di Tn said...

Hey girl
We will be lucky to be able to do the same thing this old couple are doing in a few years. Yes too many forget the true meaning of Easter and Xmas. Peace

Granny Annie said...

I love to glimpse such touching "worldly examples". God is love.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hope your Easter was blessed with many wonderful moments..I wonder if they ever get their canes mixed up..great to see them holding is a little thing that I really missed when my husband injured his hand and had to be in a splint for six weeks.:)